
Lumière BNG

Biodiversity Net Gain income

for farmers and landowners

In partnership with BIOFARM

One of the simplest and most lucrative ways to make ​money from the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) land ​opportunity.

New BNG legislation for Developers

BNG is the recent government legislation designed ​to safeguard nature into perpetuity. Under this ​law, the biodiversity value of any site must ​increase by 10% following its development for ​residential, industrial, or other purposes.

Developers have the option to enhance ​biodiversity within the site itself, such as by ​establishing new natural features like ponds, ​hedgerows and native grasses. However, if this ​goal cannot be met on-site, developers can ​compensate by funding habitat improvements on ​other landowners' properties.

Why use us?

Collect Option Signs


Transparent model

Unlike many competitors, ​Biofarm’s market-leading offer ​provides a transparent model ​for landowners to benefit from ​the BNG opportunity.

Collect Option Signs


Generate high returns

Generate high profits from ​marginal land whilst ​retaining ownership. As ​much as £25,000 per acre.

Collect Option Signs


Extract your profit early

You will receive your profit ​share as soon as we sell the ​licensed Habitat Units to ​developers. This is typically ​within a 3 year period.

The Service by BioFarm

Lease your land and enjoy the profits. That’s it!

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Ecological forecasting, BNG ​calculations and costings will form a ​tailored proposal of your land for you ​to​ consider.

Si​te walkover

Discuss the habitat options that are ​bes​t for the landowner and nature.

Option agreement

2-year option agreement signed ​between the landowner and Biofarm. ​Biofarm will then actively market ​Habitat Units to dev​elopers.

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De​veloper match

Developers with appropriate offsite ​BNG requirements are engaged ​and supported by Biofarm through ​the p​lanning process.

Pl​anning approval

Payments are made to the landowner ​for the Habitat Units when pla​nning is granted and the 33-year ​lease is trigg​ered.

Management & monitoring

Habitats are created and the 33-year ​management and monitoring plan is ​imp​lemented.


Frequently asked questions

How much can I earn from ​Biodiversity Net Gain ​(BNG)?

For the ‘right’ type of land, ​landowners can achieve c.£25,000 per ​acre, while maintaining ownership of ​the asset.

Are there any further ​returns I can generate from ​the land?

Biofarm’s lease is specifically for BNG, ​therefore where there are other ​natural capital markets that become ​available and can be stacked and ​bundled with BNG, these are for the ​landowner to benefit from. NB: these ​ca​nnot be Government schemes.

How and when will I get ​paid?

Landowners get paid in tranches as ​transactions are successfully ​completed with buyers (developers). ​This follows the financial model for ​the number of HUs (Habitat Units) ​sold, and includes the profit share, ​upfront. Landowners do not get paid ​upfront for the entire number of ​Habitat Units, unless the transactio​n with a buyer is for the full number of​ Habitat Units. Biofarm will recei​ve funds when the developer gets​ granted planning permission ​and will immediately transfer fund​s to the la​ndowner.

Can I continue to farm the ​land?

Yes, Biofarm’s habitat strategies work ​well with light agriculture, such as hay ​cropping and light grazing (using ​native species). Farmers won’t be able ​to use any inputs or fertiliser into the ​land or do anything that contravenes ​the bespoke habitat strategy that ​would have been agreed with ​Biofarm.

People Typing on Their Laptops
Agricultural Field with a Tractor

Get in touch to ​discuss further

Tel. 01892 800 985

Email: bng@lumieresites.co.uk

45 High Street

Tunbridge Wells
